Monday, December 22, 2008

Penang / Langkawi Trip - 13/12/2008 to 16/12/2008

这次的旅程,最难忘的就是Langkawi的Cable Car,真的很刺激!每个坐上cable car之后,都会开始静静的,动也不敢动。。。因为实在是太太太。。高了!而建在山上的那座吊桥(Suspension Bridge),我实在是没有勇气跑过去!只有站在那儿看看罢了!因到了山上,我已开始有点“脚软”的感觉了!哈哈~

很可惜的是,我们来不及参观Underwater World,因为实在太赶了!早上称船出海去了几个岛屿,回来已是中午了,还赶着去Cable Car。。结果回来已迟了!



Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Start:     Dec 18, '08 09:00a
End:     Dec 24, '08

又要回到工作岗位了! 哎~真的有点不舍~~!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Family Trip to Penang & Langkawi

Start:     Dec 13, '08 06:00a
End:     Dec 16, '08 11:00p
Location:     Penang (2D1N) & Langkawi (3D2N)
期待已久的Langkawi Trip, 终于来临啦!哈哈~
本来我们是从KL出发直冲Langkawi的!但后来,考虑到驾车的旅途蛮长的,所以就决定在 Penang停留一天,也顺便在那儿吃吃走走。。。然后第二天再继续我们的路程,往Langkawi出发去咯!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What is the hardest thing to break?

What is the hardest thing to break?

Diamonds are hard to find but not hard to break.

What is the hardest thing to break then?

The answer is: HABIT.

If you break the H, you still have A BIT. If you break the A, you still have BIT. If you break the B, you still have IT!!!

Hey, after you break the T in IT, there is still the 'I'. The person
at the end of the day, is the root of all the problems. Cute???

Now, I know why HABIT is so hard to break. Its destiny is in its name.

The word itself.

And one more........ never, never, never do thing as ASSUME . Because it makes an 'ASS' out of 'U' and 'ME'.... :p

Monday, December 1, 2008

月亮笑了~The Moon is Smiling :)

这真是个难得的现象哦!发生在 01/12/2008的晚上~
也很谢谢Yen Li 的SMS。。。
